
X Double Dot's experience spans a broad range. The following examples showcase a representative sampling of projects.

Actuator for Active Mirror Support System

Design utilizes commercial linear actuator with custom flexures and force limiting mechanisms, along with tool-less detent attachment to simplify installation and maintenance. The design is required to be very stiff in the axial direction, but compliant in transverse directions and moments to allow for installation tolerances while maintaining overall force errors of <0.1% of the nominal axial load.

Torsional Seismometer

Used for tracking performance validation, this simple and inexpensive device delivered <100nanoradian (0.02 arc-second) RMS performance over 0.1-30Hz measurement bandwidth. The design utilizes flexural pivots, high specific stiffness, and magnetic dampening features in conjunction with standard inductive proximity sensors.

Structural Performance Validation

Confirmation of performance predictions by measurement and analysis of system response to excitation. Shown is a PSD plot of mirror support forces on the Discovery Channel Telescope. In this example, existing data with broadband excitation from wind buffeting on the telescope enclosure allowed simple verification of major resonances and damping ratios.

Error Budgeting

Shown is a summary of image degradation terms for the Delivered Image Quality budget for the Discovery Channel Telescope. Performed and directed supporting analyses to ensure the overall design requirements were met. Our experience includes developing and maintained both top-down and bottom-up error budgets for system performance requirements such as pointing, tracking and image quality, for a variety of complex systems such as telescopes and radars.

Radio Telescope Deformation Analysis

This gravity deformation analysis processed FEA point cloud data to quantify expected system performance at sub-millimeter wavelengths as function of elevation angle, with allowances made for system pointing and focus correction. Graphical error plots allowed structural designers to make rapid improvements to distortions indiscernible from raw deformation plots due to masking by large correctable deformations.

Wheel and Track Azimuth Bearing

Performed sizing and analysis of wheel and track support system for phased array radar application. Wheel loading was approximately 300 tons each, with a bogie design derived from the Green Bank Telescope shown right. Design included custom gearing and power transmission features, and close attention to Hertzian stresses at the wheel/track interface and within the composite track structure to ensure long-term reliability.

Discovery Channel Telescope

The design and construction of the 4.3m DCT and its facility was managed by X Double Dot founder Byron Smith. The work included cultivating and directing a highly effective project team doing both in-house development of key systems and managing numerous large contracts. The project was very successful, meeting technical requirements well within the expected schedule and approximately $2M USD under budget.